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My Best Friend

When you think of a best friend, you think of someone to share secrets with. Someone that you can be close to and share everything with. Someone that listens your goals and dreams and says, " YES! YOU GOT THIS!" Right?  Meet Adrianna, my best friend. We've been friends for 3 years, going on 4. We aren't your typical friends that see each other on the weekends. We actually live more than 2,000 miles apart. Yep, we are long distance friends. And while we've never met, She has been SO supportive through everything that i've been through. She's the kind of friend you can call up crying about a guy, and she will be on the other end of the phone telling great advice. I'm thankful for the friendship that we share. There's no one quite like Adrianna. She's strong, inspiring, beautiful, and smart.  She has always lifted me up. We met on a weight loss app years ago. from there we added each other to Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. We fou...
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My Favorite Christmas Movie

It's that time of the year again, Christmas time! I have so many reasons why I absolutely love Christmas. One of those reasons being that it brings family together. It's the one time of the year that you can go crazy on the DIY crafts you have found on Pinterest. yup, we all do it. We all pin ideas on how to decorate the house. Growing up, every year we would watch 25 days of Christmas on ABC Family. The one movie that we were SO excited to see was National Lampoons: Christmas Vacation. It's a classic! I haven't outgrown the movie, To this day, It's my favorite Christmas movie! If you're looking for a funny Christmas movie, that makes you laugh till your cheeks hurt. This is definitely the one! Grab a bag of popcorn and check it out with your family! 

The Single Superwoman

My Mother is a single mother. And has been for almost 4 years. She is seriously the most loving, selfless, caring, and sweetest woman you'll ever meet.  When I was younger I used to look at her and say, "I want to be like you when I grow up, I want to be a Mom." She would always smile and say " you do? It's a hard job!" Back then, I only saw a little taste of motherhood. I would always come home from school with a snack already made for my brother and I, and she would allow me to watch cartoons after finishing homework. All I thought motherhood was, as cleaning, cooking, and loving your children. while half of that is exactly what motherhood is. It's very different from now. Back then I didn't notice how much she did for my brother and I. But, it took me 16 years to fully understand and see just what she went through and did. When I was 16, my Mom became a single mother. For years, she was married to my Step Dad. Things weren't as h...